Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

forgive and pray me :)

hey guys...
sebentar lagi mau ujian nasional nih...
gue mau minta maaf yaaa ke kalian semoa kalo gue punya salah terhadap kalian, baik itu di sengaja atopun ga di sengaja....
gue minta banget doa dari kalian, supaya ujian gue berjalan lancar dan hasilnya sesuai dgn yg gue harapkan...
thx you all
kiss and hugs!! :*

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

so meaningfull :))

I dont know how to express all my feelings
I'm very happy
everything I hope for was achieved
I really never thought I would meet them again in the same time
I'm very very very very happy!!!
I'd like to see in a situation a few years ago
I dont feel any difference
and now I understand how to comprehend and understand the circumstances that are less supportive
but, apart from it all, I strongly support any of the decisions they